How to Live Sustainably and Climate Smart

Climate and environment blog

How to live sustainably and climate smart

Many people want to do something for the climate, but do not know how or what. What to start with, what makes the most use, what should I focus on? And is there even any idea to try, isn’t the climate already destroyed?

No, according to many researchers – it has not been ruined. The door is still open, even though it is closing in front of us. It’s high time to act now and start thinking about the climate.

As a private person, it can be easy to think that it is the politicians and the business community that will solve the climate problems, that it is they who have the power to really change. To some extent, of course, legislation and financial instruments are powerful tools, but we all have a responsibility to make conscious choices, actively choose (or opt-out) and thus clearly signal that we want to make a difference.

Many wonder if it is better to become a vegetarian or to skip the air travel – what has the biggest impact on the climate? Why choose, I think. We need to do both and, not either-or. There are many wise sayings, although they may feel like clichés. All efforts count. In fact, it actually becomes a whole stream of individual actions that together make a difference and contribute to change. You may have seen the quote “only one straw, said 8 billion people” on the use of plastic straws.

The fact that around 1 billion plastic straws are used every day in the world makes the tank fizzle when you think about what it takes to manufacture and transport all these straws. In addition, many of them end up in the wild – not least in our seas, where scientists fear that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish. All the more hopeful that more and more companies and countries are prohibiting disposable plastic materials, such as straws. As consumers, we can mark and avoid unnecessarily taking a straw. Together we make a difference by actively choosing – or opting out!

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something is also a classic quote that fits well in this context.

To think that one should try to save the world alone can feel overwhelming, but if we help and do what we can based on our own circumstances, it becomes both doable and noticeable.

To switch to renewable, eco-labeled electricity for their household or company, for example.

Choosing a train, bus or bike in the first place and not flying or driving unnecessarily. Buy organic, fair-branded or nutritious when shopping for food. Eat more vegetables and seasonal, as well as reduce the amount of meat and choose organic and more climate-smart meats.

Avoid throwing away food (did you know that about a third of all food produced in the world is thrown away?) By planning their purchases, storing food properly and using leftovers. Avoid unnecessary packaging (a woman I know usually leaves, for example, the cardboard box to the toothpaste tube in the cash register when she acts like a small everyday demonstration!). Shop clothes and stuff second hand (save lots of money!). Swap or borrow things from friends and neighbors.

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