1. What is the Coronavirus?
The genetic code of the virus confirms that it is a coronavirus. There is a large group of different viruses found in humans and animals. It is a new virus for humans which means we have not known about it before. The virus is related to SARS, which in 2003 caused a major epidemic in which almost 1,000 people died. But it’s not the same virus. We also know that the virus can be transmitted from person to person.
2. What symptoms do you get if you are infected with the virus?
It is an infection of the lungs or respiratory system. It looks like normal flu, but some patients have become sicker than others. At the moment it seems that only a small proportion of those infected become very ill or die. These people have already had some other illness or impaired immune system. The others have symptoms that are similar to normal snout and last for about a week.
3. Should you be worried?
You have to put things in proportion. We have a flu epidemic every year that also leads to death. When comparing the preliminary data we have from Wuhan in China, the difference is not that great. Of course, it is not nice to have a new virus and a potential epidemic, but you do not need to panic. The health care system will deal with this just as it has done before.
4. Are there any plans for a flight ban either to or from China?
Finland has never used such funds. In fact, flight bans often cause more harm than good. It just doesn’t work. A country cannot be closed. If we were to close the country, we would have other problems, including exports but also with imports of food, for example.
5. What should you consider if you are going to China?
With good personal hygiene, you can go very far. It’s pretty easy to protect yourself. Hand hygiene is very important to take care of. You should wash your hands frequently if you move among people. Now it seems that it is mainly Wuhan that is affected, but the virus is also found in other parts of China.
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