Scientific Controversy About The Sea Level
How much, and how fast, does sea level rise in the world? This is yet another field in the climate area where there are very […]
How much, and how fast, does sea level rise in the world? This is yet another field in the climate area where there are very […]
How we produce our food and what we eat has major effects on the climate and the environment. The risk is that the negative impact […]
So at the end of the year, and at the end of a decade, there are plenty of headlines that hit the big alarm drum. […]
Every year, around 1.6 billion tonnes of food is thrown or destroyed in the world. This is just over one third of all food produced […]
Increasing populations of large wild mammals not only benefits nature locally, it can also counteract climate change, researchers say in a new review of research […]
Climate change causes Himalayan glaciers to move. It can have disastrous consequences. – The glaciers show a constant decrease in mass and area and changes […]
The answer to the heading’s question is “no” if “ever” is interpreted literally. The earth has a long history, climate change has been going on […]
A now internationally known (or infamous?) Swedish teenager has urged us all, and especially the politicians, to listen to (climate) researchers. A call that other […]
The graph here shows three different sea ice trends in the Arctic basin in September. The dashed blue shows the trend for the entire series, […]
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