6 Tips for More Effective Recycling For Company

Climate and environment blog

A major environmental pitfall in many companies is the lack of recycling. Therefore, consider how to handle paper, glass, jars, batteries, food waste, cardboard, plastic, electrical articles and more. Here we give you some useful tips.

Recycling at the desk – The choice of trash can have a major impact on the environment. A common reason for not sorting sources is the lack of a good system near the workplace. If the employee is given the opportunity to sort directly at the desk, the likelihood that different types of junk will end up where it should be increased.

Environmental Stations – Invest in ready-made environmental stations that you find with well-stocked office supplies. Have different containers for sorting paper, glass, jars, batteries, cardboard plastic and food waste. Then it is up to you and your colleagues to dispose of their waste in the right place.

Return boxes – Many suppliers of office supplies free return boxes for the collection of ink cartridges. When the box is full, contact the supplier who will arrange a free collection.

Recycle old computers – Return old computers to the manufacturer. According to the regulation on producer responsibility for electronic and electrical products, this means that you have the right to submit an old equivalent product free of charge in connection with the purchase of a new one. The producer is responsible for taking care of it in an environmentally friendly manner and that the cost of this falls on the producer.

Mortgages – Does your company belong to those who source sorted mortgages but no one who mortgages? An easy way to get rid of the deposit can is to have the cleaning company take care of the mortgage.

Waste disposal – There are many companies that can collect your waste and return it for recycling. But make demands on the supplier during the procurement that they have active environmental work. Do they have environmental cars or do they drive environmentally smart? If you do the recycling yourself, go to a recycling center so that the waste is disposed of as environmentally as possible.

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