Affect politics! Change everyday life!
Now it is in a hurry! More and more news comes of burning forests, floods, hurricanes and falling groundwater. Now we are many who understand that transition to a sustainable society must be done much faster! We must force our politicians to make much stronger decisions, and we must ensure that our own greenhouse gas emissions come down to sustainable levels. Below is a list where you can find things to do, both things that go easy and fast and those that require more commitment. Click on the headings and you will find a lot of links and ideas.
Join an environmental organization!
- Some major organizations working on the climate issue
- Climate network for parents, young people, students, doctors, engineers and others
- Sign up for a campaign!
- Flightless 2020
- No palm oil in your tank
- Stop subsidizing air travel through membership benefits!
- Get in touch with your politician!
- Mail Campaigns
- Email text ideas
- Addresses to politicians
Climate-smart travel
- Sustainable travel
- Carpooling
- Facebook group: Train vacation
- How to buy train tickets?
- Tourist in your own country
- Tests: environmental cars, electric bicycles, co-driving system
- Contribution to electric bicycle
- Cycling: economic benefit
- Bicycle Tour
- Rent a neighbor’s car!
- Carbon offsets
- flight tax
- Food-Climate-list
- meat Guide
- Vegetarian recipe collections
- Urban cultivation
- Energy
- Electricity marked with Good Environmental Choice
- From idea to solar cells on the roof
- Support for setting up solar cells
- Support for energy storage
- Your own money
- Our common money
- Fair finance: review of banks
- Saving for a better environment
- Invest in solar cells
Digital tools
- Smart map
- Climate calculators: track your climate footprint
- Share more: borrow instead of buy
- Karma: reduce food waste
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