Facts About Solar Energy

Climate and environment blog

The sun is amazing. If it were not too close to this star, life on earth would not have been possible. The sun makes our plants green and fine. In addition, the sun can also help you with your electricity costs. How? Yes, through solar energy.

As an energy source, the sun radiates huge amounts of energy every second. It is renewable energy without its equal. There are also other renewable energy sources that are used more frequently. These include biofuel, wind power, hydropower and heat pumps. More people are starting to catch their eye for solar energy, which is largely due to the development of solar cells and solar collectors as well as the political situation.

Two methods of using solar energy

Solar energy can be converted into consumable energy in several ways. Two common methods are using solar cells and solar collectors.

A solar cell converts solar radiation into direct current. The solar cell usually consists of two layers, usually of silicon. The layers are doped so that one is negatively charged and the other positively charged. When photons from the sunlight hit the solar cell, a chemical bond takes place that releases an electron. This electron is driven by the potential difference between the layers and sent to an electrical component and then travels to the other end of the solar cell.

The number of electrons released depends on solar radiation. Theoretically, a solar cell can convert 25 percent of solar energy into electricity. This is called the efficiency of the solar cell. In reality, the efficiency is about 15 percent. Note that a solar cell produces a direct current, which must be converted to alternating current in order to be used.

Solar panels

A solar collector converts solar radiation into heat. This heat is used to heat the home, hot water or an outdoor pool. This is a system that works great during the summer and is nonetheless effective during the winter. Solar collectors can look different.

A large variation in the conditions for extracting solar energy

Solar radiation is a term that refers to the amount of solar radiation that hits the ground. There are many factors that affect the sun’s rays for an area, including how the landscape looks, how cloudy it is and what season it is. The closer the equator is, the better the sun’s rays. In the northern latitudes, a solar cell must be angled to best meet the sun’s rays.

The solar radiation in the country varies from north to south. The amount of solar energy used in the form of solar production is steadily increasing. Within Europe, Germany has the largest production.

The political situation

Solar energy has become more popular due to several factors. First and foremost, the price of solar cells and solar panels has decreased as a result of the development. The government has issued a tax reduction for surplus. You can also sell surplus to power grid companies and electricity merchant companies. The electricity you produce and use yourself does not have to pay energy tax on as long as your photovoltaic plant does not exceed 255 kW.

Although the use of solar energy is becoming more popular over time, the levels are still low. Wind and hydropower are so far the most widely used energy sources. They hope we will change.

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